I've been attending meetings with a group of other artists and business owners living and/or working in Saxapahaw. On Saturday, December 12, we're hosting a Holiday Open House.
People will be able to see us in our studios or workplaces, enjoy holiday refreshments, see demonstrations, taste local wines, attend free classes, see art shows, share in a pot luck dinner, enjoy music, go on a canoe ride for free, and do some shopping. And this is all within a few square miles.
We thought this would be a great way for people to see what our small community has to offer.
So far, participants include:
Benjamin Vineyards & Winery - Winetasting, including seasonal Spice Wine and two new dessert wines, Twelve Days of Christmas Art Show features more than 35 pieces, representing the work of over 20 local artists. 6516 Whitney Rd. 12 noon - 5 p.m. 336-376-1080. http://www.benjaminvineyards.com/
Elementary Dance Education Academy. Rivermill. dblondiedancer@aol.com
Haw River Canoe & Kayak Co. - Guest Appreciation Day, with potluck, gear swap and free 2-hour paddle trip. RSVP requested. Saxapahaw Community Center. Noon-5:00p.m. 336-260-6465, info@hawrivercanoe.com
The Hawbridge School (tuition free public charter school)- art exhibit and launch of student-run business, featuring sale of student-designed dyed silk scarves, photo greeting cards, recycled art works, and large art works. Proceeds from sale support educational programs. 1735 Saxapahaw-Bethleham Church Rd. 1-6 p.m. 336-376-1122 or www.hawbridgeschool.org.
Out of the Fire Sculpture Studio - Clay handbuilding and sculpture demonstrations, free mini classes. 6035 Church Rd. 10a.m.-5 p.m. 336-376-9091 or www.cindybilesblog.blogspot.com/.
River Landing Inn - coffee, tea, Christmas cookies, snacks. 5942 Whitney Road Graham, NC 27253. 12noon to 4p.m. (336) 376-1502 or matt@riverlandinginn.com
Roxy Farm Antiques - A Dickens Christmas Carole Open House! Fine southern antiques, including primitives, baskets, quilts, hats, vintage photos, brasscandlesticks, tree ornaments from Mexico, and much more. Tiny Tim, Scroogeand the Ghosts from Dickens', A Christmas Carole, will be singing Christmas carols. Join us for some Yuletide cheer with locally-grown wines from Benjamin Vineyards & Winery, along with homemade holiday hors d' oeuvres. 5768 Church Rd., 10a.m.-6p.m. (336) 264-7731.
Benjamin VIneyards and Riverlanding Inn have been great supporters of local artists, with multiple shows throughout the year. Benjamin Vineyars has its Twelve Says of Christmas Show up, with a Meet the Artists reception on December 13, from 1-4PM.