
Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Week (and a half) in Clay

Last week slipped by quickly, but I finally downloaded images from the camera.

Tom glazing one of the four mushrooms.

Suzanne glazing a mushroom.  She used three different glazes on one of the pieces and we were all pretty excited to see the result.  The combination caused the glazes to run more, which let the underlying stamped texture show through.  A happy surprise (Christmas, if you read the earlier post).

Suzanne picked up the mushrooms on Friday and headed home to clear spaces in her garden for them.  

Suzanne is happy with her marvelous Mystery Mushroom

View from the top.

A Fungus-y fungus.  Great glaze.

On Saturday, Jackie and Mike came over and glazed their magnificent lantern (photos below) and bird bath (or feeder, it hasn't been decided).

I love this picture.  A moment earlier, they were working so intently, they weren't smiling, and I mentioned that.  Still, I wanted a candid shot.  (can't make the underline go away-sorry!)

Still smiling--see how fun it is to work with clay?  

I've been preparing for the garden show in Greensboro, NC on June 20 and making dogs and a llama for the show called "In Our Care."  

Birth of a (clay) llama.  Head is on the upper left.  I'm building hollow forms, using slabs and coils.

The kiln just finished a bisque firing (the first of two firings) and I'll open it when it cools down enough--probably late tomorrow morning.  As soon as possible, I'll reload and run a glaze firing of work for the garden show.  Nothing like a deadline to increase efficiency!

On Tuesday, there's a meeting with a parent of a talented artist who is coming by to talk about classes.  Wednesday I'll be teaching in Cary, NC:  Kindergarten, first and second grades.  That's always a lot of fun and the students always amaze me with their creations.

To top it off, I've sold a few pieces, so a productive week (and a half)!

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